Developing money consciousness, discovering poverty is the root of all evil. Life is all about the experiences we create. Without money there's not much to experience before the need of money comes involved. Every person had to sacrifice something in order to receive something they wanted. Life is all about give and take. It is so strange that I had a fear towards money because I never had it. It just seemed superficial, but then I had to look at the bigger picture of it. Money is my friend, my lover, my protector, my provider, money can provide so much for me. So many experiences money creates for me. Money feeds me, money inspires me, money is a part of me. As I reflect on my relationship with money I realize that I was angry with money. I saw how my parents never had enough and it made me never want it. I saw how it would change a person. I saw how it could have people do strange things and in strange situations. Now I realize money isn't the problem, it is the lack of the individual possessing it . I used to not want money because, I was afraid it would change me and it will. I will grow through my experiences. Money is a responsibility just like my faith,emotions, and physical strength are. When people neglect other areas of their life that's when the money consciousness becomes the only conscience. We are multidimensional beings. We are a powerful energy field with different sources. Earth -resources, air - intellect, water - emotions, fire -actions. Each power center is a responsibility. Mother Earth gives us so many resources: food, water, plants, fire. Money comes from trees and the trees come from earth. Money is an extension of the love energy of mother Gaia. Our DNA is made with the very soil we stand on. Me denying money and seeing it in a dark light was me denying that, I am Earth i am heaven as well. I am masculine I am feminine. I am logical and I am imaginative. I am Yang and I am yin. I am whole the sun and the moon. Left and right I am worthy of my birthright emotions, actions, intellect, and resources.
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