A Real Fairy-Tale

I question myself what is it that makes me feel inadequate. What makes my mind wander and pray, manifest, or create with another. When I haven’t even created myself yet, what is it that makes my mind restless? Later leaving me to have a shattered heart. Is it the co-dependency put into our minds from the begging stages of our lives? With the idea that your life can’t be excellent without another. Fairytale movies, a baby playing with a babydoll why does it seem to be told its adorable to be codependent on another. Why are children being told to focus on relationships before they even develop them selfs? Why is it taught that the outer world brings you peace? Independence should be planted in the minds of the youth. Seeds of courage, confidence, and faith should be planted to develop your self-discipline. Take the time to date and fall in love with yourself, become content with developing yourself. Allow your cup to be overflowing with a heart of abundance and a mind of prosperity. Study yourself find the magic and the power in yourself. Write the story of your life. Be open to new paths man may plan but, god will design. Enjoy the journey admire the steps and failures. Remember that you only lose when you quit. Know that there will be lows and highs a person of wisdom understands lessons for your blessings. Evolution is key understand learn your intimacy needs emotionally, Intellectually, physically, and spiritually. A balanced heart and mind create a great character to be, this life is temporary. Set the examples you wish to see.
