Evolving paths

The power of controlling the beast within. We are all light and dark. We all have the choice to evolve in either direction. Some choose to live consciously and others choose to live unconsciously, tuning out the voice of their angel of guidance and allowing the angel of ignorance to lead. I like to think that there is a black and white part of life and it's in your power to choose which line to Cross or to be in balance. Was it the self-inflicted hate that spread the plague of imbalance? Was the universal rejection wound created when the blood of Jesus Christ was shed? Is it the vibration of the music that changed the balance of the brain Leading to generations of mental illness and imbalance? Is it the fact that no one desires to take responsibility for their actions and emotions? Are people so far lost that they have no idea of the infinite world we were blessed with. Are we not taking the time to identify that the human Temple is abundant? The power of the brain is infinite as well as the spirit can shift shape the energy it is excluding with intention. Every thought, breath, and action is the magic to create our own personal heaven or hell.
